tisdag 18 januari 2011

The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger (Revolvermannen - Det mörka tornet)

Now I have finished the The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, book.

Really interesting, really really interesting. I just love books that got so many questions, and worlds that I don't understand much. I heard that this book is going to be a movie too, but in 2013...

I can't understand people who said that this book was rubbish... I loved it! So great story and lots of flashbacks for Roland's (main character) childhood.

Read more here at this wiki: (warning, this page might got a SPOILER)

Ok, next up, I am thinking of to continue the same series.
The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three

Going to get the book tomorrow from library, and as you know, I am dyslectic so I got the book as audiobook too.
I will read everything in Swedish.

söndag 9 januari 2011

Ennustusten Aika (Queen of Sorcery)

Ok, Just finnished the book Queen of Sorcery, or Ennustusten Aika in finnish, as it was in finnish I read this book. (Book by David Eddigs ofcourse!)

Interesting also in this book is that finnish title word by word translated into English is: "Predictions time".

I am not really good in Finnish language but I still got 95% about what they said, because the language in that book was so clear and ment also for younger readers.

The book was an old library audiobook for dysletic and blind users. The book was 10, 90 minutes tapes.

So, what did I like about it? I have read the book atleast twice before and the adventure is quite familliar to me.
Straight forward with no unnecessary parts so far.

I won't tell you anything that happens in the book, just telling that this book was awesome! :D

Read the plot here (warning there is might a spoiler)

I will continue with the third book, but before that I need to finnish with the Stephen king fantasy book in Swedish. I will now only read one book at time. I don't have time and mind to read two books at the same time :D :D

So writing more soon,

You can follow me at twitter too to see exactly what I am doing :D